Sunday 11 December 2016

Mocha's Chance at Mobility

Mocha's Story

Mocha is 26 months and her best friends are Lena ( her sister and also 26 months), Sindy, Kira and  Bindhi (1 year).  Over the last 6 months Mocha has had 2 mammary tumours appear and they are now at the stage where she is finding climbing a challenge.  Mocha is inseperable with her young friend Sindy whom she hangs out with most of the time, grooming and cuddling each other.  I would like to give Mocha the chance of getting her mobility back via tumour removal.  There can be a risk with operations on rats but Mocha still has plenty of vitality and I think at this stage it is worth giving her the chance of improved mobility and longer time with her young friend.  But....I need your help to make it happen.  Please, if you are able to, can you donate to Mocha's fees for the operation?  I have been told it will be around £100 including medications.  I am spending whatever I am able to out of my budget to pay what I can but I could do with some extra help.  I am going to sell whatever items (including spare rat items) on ebay and will post them to my natural rat page on facebook.  If there is anything you like, buying from me would greatly help! 

And lastly, thank you so much for any contribution you may be able to make, no matter how little or if you can buy some of my items on ebay, that would be brilliant!  I will keep you updated on Mocha's progress/recovery.  Thank you from all of our hearts - from me, Mocha, Sindy, Kira, Bindhi and Lena x


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Bongo's Bliss

Bongo transitioned Sunday morning in my hands.  I was in meditation with him, asking the Angels to help him crossover and telling him it was safe for him to go and how much I loved him.  I sat quietly for a while in silence with him and then felt his Spirit energy vibrate very strongly, it lasted around 10 seconds and was very strong that my hands were vibrating as well.  And then, it just stopped and he had left his body.  I burst out crying because now he had truly left and I knew how much I would miss holding him.  

Later, the following insights occurred to me.  This physical world we live in is a virtual reality for us to have experiences with all of our senses.  It is a kind of playroom where we get to try out things, feel different emotions, love each other etc.  In order for us to experience this world, our Spirit or Light body has to lower it's vibration to exist on this physical plane.  Our reality is that of Spirit/Energy/Light.  We come from Source and will return to Source once we have completed our tasks on this plane.  Physical deterioration is only ONE way that Divinity prepares to take us home.  Although we look with our eyes and emotions and find it a challenge, it is only Spirit's way of preparing to take leave and so it gathers all the energy in the body.  Could be why the body starts to lose heat because Spirit is gathering this energy for it's last push out of the physical.  I feel that is what Bongo wanted to share with me.  There is no death.  Energy simply moves out of the body and increases it's vibration so much that we can no longer see or feel it, unless we are psychic or still, as in meditation.  As an energy worker, I feel connected with Spirit in this way and spent a lot of time in the reiki energy with Bongo in the previous two weeks.  In fact, he sought me out because he felt safe when he was in my hands and I knew it would have brought him comfort and helped with his transition as he already knew the Energy,(is One with that Energy), had already connected to Universal Source Power in meditation with me oftentimes.

I cried because I will miss him being around in his furry physical form, but I know that he may be 'here', in his Higher Vibrational State, where I cannot see him with my eyes,  but if I listen closely, I will feel him with my heart and my sixth sense, so to speak.  We are One.  We are all Energy that takes on a spacesuit here to experience this world and play with our senses.  There is no such thing as Death, no end, only a transmutation into a Spiritual Reality.  If you are in a body, you are in a virtual reality, the true reality is beyond this world, in Spirit, One with the Energy Source from which everything takes form in the physical world.  It is a playground.  It's not to be taken too seriously! 

Love to you all and your beloveds
Anabrese and Bongo

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Raw Food can help chubby rats to lose weight

I often get asked how people can help their 'chubby' rats lose weight.  The answer is 'feed more raw food'.  Raw food is rich in enzymes and is easily digestible.  The raw food frees up energy and soon the rats are whizzing all over  the place.  If you want to feed this way, slowly add more raw into their diet as it is just now.   You will see changes in their energy and also increased health benefits such as shiny eyes and fur.

I also can't emphasize how important daily greens are for rats, especially females.  The bucks need their greens too but I have found that does, who are naturally more springy, really enjoy the grounding effect that the greens give them.

Our favourite daily greens here are:- lettuce (not icebergs!), kale, and green smoothies made with some green supplements.

What are your rats favourites?

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Hi, how are you and your rats enjoying the summer?   We have some really hot days in Scotland and now it's cooling off a bit now.   I took Bongo into the garden yesterday as it was nice and mild.  He enjoyed the grass so much that he didn't want to come back into the house!   I think it really did him good as he is being treated just now for 2 tumours and I think the fresh air and 'earthing' effect of the grass was really therapeutic for him.

So, enjoy the rest of the summer (what's left of it, haha) and speak to you soon.  This week we are preparing for a vacation so I am busy getting all the rats holiday gear organised.  And we've had 3 recent young arrivals to keep us on our toes, and they certainly do!

Speak soon
love and blessings to you and your ratties

Monday 25 April 2011

Carrot/Nettle Soup

Carrot/Nettle Soup

1 tomato
1 carrot
2 cups nettle leaf
1 dessertspoon olive oil
2 tsp pumpkin seeds
1/4tsp thyme
dash turmeric
1/2 clove garlic
1 tsp miso

Pour boiled water over the nettles and leave to steep for 5 mins. Strain the nettles but keep the water. Put all of the above in a blender with the nettles and add 1 cup hot water (nettle soak water) and blend until smooth.

Season with your own preference of herbs but my rats and I both like thyme.

I also like to add a little seaweed to the soup as a garnish such as dulse or mixed sea veg.

You can use some pine nuts in place of the pumpkin seed if you like.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Natural Treats

We all had a lovely xmas and the rats had some tasty healthy treats such as the ratty xmas cakes I make and sell and also the raw pasta xmas trees which are always a favourite.

We had a minor mishap too with one of the girls being attacked by another girl. It was over territory and the girl had to go and get stiches. It took her about a week to heal and get back to herself after the surgery. The vets were wonderful. I gave her Arnica to help with healing and hypericum which also helps to control pain after surgery. She also got lots of green smoothie and nice vitamin C drinks.

We also have a new addition to our rat family. Sister in law had one doe left over after losing the others in the group. So, we now have 5 lovely does.

She has settled in well.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Natural Therapies

We lost our dear Coco on Friday due to pneumonia which she had for a week. This girl was remarkable in that she got a mammary lump when she was 2 and managed to come through two infections that left her lame twice when I thought we were going to lose her. Then, to my surprise she would be up and about playing again after she got back on her feet. She died 6 months after the lump appeared. I used homeopathy, gemmotherapy, herbs and raw food. All these natural treatments could be seen to be working each time I used them and I know that we got 'extra' time with her because of them. She did however receive 'drugs' in February for a virus that took her friends and we thought we were going to lose her too. Did the drugs have anything to do with her developing a mammary tumour two months later? I wonder.

Anyway, I think she would still have kept going if it hadn't been for the dramatic weight loss in the last week due to the infection. The infection was clearing up but she had just lost too much ground weightwise. We had to euthanise and she left peacefully.

What a resilient wonderful girl who loved life and bounced back on more than one occasion. xxx

Mocha's Chance at Mobility

Mocha's Story Mocha is 26 months and her best friends are Lena ( her sister and also 26 months), Sindy, Kira and  Bindhi (1 year).  ...